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Why YamiCare???

Writer's picture: Yami CareYami Care

Humanity’s development depends on a lot of factors from all aspects of our lives. These factors play a very pivotal role in shaping our personalities and our resourcefulness in contributing to the development of the world. Ignoring these factors is more endangering than we can imagine.

Abraham Maslow, a renowned psychologist in his time (April, 1908 – June, 1970) in his “Hierarchy of Needs” made emphasis on why basic or physiological needs, safety needs, the need of love and belongingness, self-esteem and self-actualization makes for a completely developed person. The implication of the satisfaction of these needs, both individually and collectively is a sustainable global development.

A major and basic part of human resource development is maternal care. This is because whatever or whoever anyone can become genuinely begins with the kind of care received right from conception through to birth and gradually to all the stages of growth until adulthood.

For this to be possible, mothers need the necessary environmental, physical, financial and psychological conditions to enable them to give proper care to their children. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world especially in Asia and Africa, these conditions are not holistically met.

The burden of maternal care in Asia and Africa cannot be overemphasized. In the research on the “Impact of Maternal and Child Health Private Expenditure on Poverty and Inequity”, (Brearley et al, 2012) concluded that maternal mothers struggle to fund themselves through out all the stages in maternal care in the wards.

In their survey, (Borghi, Hanson, et al. 2003) realized that in addition to not knowing the potential total cost of medicines and supplies, having to purchase bleach, gloves, or other medical necessities that are in short supply at the health facilities means that treatment for maternal mothers and their wards is often delayed, as they are in Ghana and Benin.

The 2017 Ghana Maternal Health Survey (2017 GMHS) was implemented by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) and the Ghana Health Service (GHS) from 15 June through 12 October 2017. Their survey took into consideration various indicators such as antenatal care coverage and content, skilled providers, timing and ANC visits, etc. All these indicators according to their findings suggests how mother's in Ghana and surrounding areas suffers to get proper maternal help.

(Nwameme, 2019) in her thesis on maternal health care utilization through community-based initiatives in peri urban Accra discovered that the availability of skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period ensures the best chances of delivering a healthy infant with no complication to the mother. However, there is huge disparities in health care between urban and rural dwellers but recent research has shown that the urban poor sometimes have worse maternal health outcomes than even rural dwellers. Therefore Community-based interventions have been shown to foster interactions between pregnant women and health care providers and can go a long way in mitigating the adverse effects of urban poverty on maternal health.

In this view that YamiCare has the goal to ensure that new babies' health and basic needs in Ghana are taken care of so that new mothers will have the peace of mind to care for their loved ones. This we will do by giving clothes, blankets, diapers, washcloths, shoes, and other baby care products to help mothers care for their children in Ghana (West Africa). We however have the ambition to grow our coverage to other countries in Africa as well.

Our desire to expand means that we need all hands-on deck to make this happen. We therefore call on all to support through donations and sponsorship because Yamicare can only do enough but with your help, we can reach to more maternal mothers. We also implore you to volunteer to helps in sharing your skills, organizing community health fairs as well as teaching, speaking to or counseling the mothers on all aspects of maternal care and its implications on their children. You can also be an advocate of Yamicare by sharing our website on your social media platforms, spreading the good deeds of Yamicare spearheading outreach and fundraising schemes for Yamicare and publicizing Yamicare events in your community.

We would like to render our profound appreciation to all that have supported our cause to help as many maternal mothers as possible and once again implore all others to kindly come on board to put smiles on the faces of even more mothers.

With kind regards
Ama Serwaa
Founder, President & CEO


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